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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

GI Appointment Update

Our appointment with Abby's GI was today and we received some exciting news! She's gained almost 10 ounces in the past 3 weeks! This is a record for her and we are so happy that we are seeing positive progress!  Her current stats are 15 lbs 7 oz, 26", head circ is 44".

Hoorayy I gained weight!!!!

Abby is still anemic so we will need to work more on getting the iron supplement into her - it just tastes awful and she usually spits it out or throws up.  We've tried it ourselves and our palettes are destroyed for hours - ick!!  We also started her back up on her reflux meds about 3 weeks ago, trying a new med out - Prevacid.  After going through so many tests and ideas we thought lets just try going back on a refulx med, but not the Zantac - well it seems to have helped a lot, so we will be doubling her dosage to see if it gives her further relief.

She is still refusing after about 5-10 minutes, but we are able to distract her enough to get in about an average of 1 oz per feed.  We'd like to get her to 4-5 ozs per feed with the help of the feeding clinic - but we are very hopeful this will be in her near future!

All the glory to God for so many answered prayers: insurance coverage, getting into the clinic in 4 weeks instead of the 6-8 month waiting list, weight gain, etc etc.  We are so happy and are hoping that Abby just continues to improve and improve!

On a side note... a few weeks ago I posted on some new products/tools that we bought to try out.  Well, after using them for a few weeks I'd have to say that I absolutely recommend the maroon spoons, she eats a lot easier off of them since their spoon is shallow.  She is also sucking by HERSELF using the bear bottle!!! Whooo hoo! She will only drink water from it, so we will slowly try to get her to accept new liquids in there as well!

Keep you posted!

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