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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

1 Year Check Up - Weight Update

Today Abby was seen by her pediatrician (Dr. De Villiers, highly recommend!!) for her 1 year check up - she is now 15 lbs 8.5 ozs, and 26 1/4 inches long.  She has gained 1.5 ounces in the last 2 weeks, ugh that's it?! She has definitely been eating better than she was before but I think that now that she is walking all over the place she is burning up way more calories!

I wish I would have taken a picture of her growth chart, but I plotted the last few months myself on the chart below, so here is a peek at her weight and height growth.  The top of the chart is height and the bottom is weight.

Developmentally Abby is doing great, she is walking, understanding simple commands we say to her, can say agua and oussside (outside), etc etc so that is a good sign! We just really need to continue to work on her weight and her sleep.  I know I haven't mentioned too much about Abby's sleep, but I know that her eating and sleeping are correlated, so let me tell you more about her sleep patterns.
When Abby was first born she slept great for the first 4-6 weeks, she was sleeping 6-9 hours straight a night and it was GLORIOUS! haha!  But as she began to struggle with her eating, her sleep went down hill.  

Currently, she is awake anywhere from 3-10 times per night.  It's a miracle that I am even able to function as every time she wakes up I need to go tend to her, usually nurse her, then she goes back to sleep, this can take 10-30 minutes every time she wakes up! :(  We've made multiple attempts at "sleep training" and she has not respond well to anything so far.  The best option for us and her at this point is for her to be in our room in her crib.  I've had people make comments to me saying that I need to get her out of my room, that she wakes up because she seems me (shes up even when we are not in the room!) etc etc, but until they have lived with her and know how she responds to things, I wish people would support the fact that we are doing what is best for HER and for me... hey I need sleep too!!  

I actually brought this up to her pediatrician today and she agreed and urged me to keep her in our room as no big changes should be made until Abby's feeding is significantly improved, and though it sucks, the calories that she gets at night are still so important. So in our room she stays for now.  We are hoping that she makes quick progress with the feeding treatment and then we will work on sleep, and the cool thing is that Dr. Patel says she will work with us on the sleep issue as well! Whoo hoo!!
They checked her hemoglobin today as well to see where she is at on her anemia, and she's still on the lower end at 10.4, so we are going to try and increase iron rich foods (going to try kale/spinach shakes again!) and her iron supplement as well.  Here's a picture of her after they pricked her finger, she didn't even cry or wince - she was more bothered by having two of her fingers bandaged together! haha.

That's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. Abby is an amazing and beautiful little girl. A gift straight from God to your arms. She is growing, and developing and He is keeping a close eye on her and showering her with His love. Don't you worry. You are doing just as you should in showing her love and giving her all that she needs to make sure she grows up strong and healthy. You're an amazing mama.
