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Thursday, May 9, 2013

I know your tricks, Mom!

Babies are smart. They may babble and oo and aa like they have no idea what's going on, but believe you me they know!! :) To give you an idea of all the ways we've tried to get this baby girl to eat/drink, here is almost all of the utensils/contraptions we have tried.


Yup, we've tried a syringe, a straw, different special needs utensils, you name it!  This girl seems to like to eat from a straw (she can't suck yet, so I've got to do the whole dip and suction it thing) but this only works sometimes, and I'd really not like to get her used to eating full meals from a straw!!

But back to the smart baby thing... Abby loves water.  And yes, I know the doctors say not to give it to her, but tell me why not I had to try.  So you may think, well if she likes water, just swap it out with breastmilk, or juice, right? Wrong, you switch it out, she smells it from a mile away and will swat it away from her face! Little booger!!!

With the little bit of food we are able to get into her, we've got it down to a science of what we do to those little bites - we are going to make them the highest calories we can!  This gets frustrating because I will make her a yummy smoothie for example, filled with probiotics, duocal, neosure and some breastmilk, then she takes one sip, or better yet she refuses all together - UGH there goes all those calories down the drain :( - not to mention my hard pumped milk....

Above is some of the additives we try to sneak into her food.  Don't judge me.  Butter, oil, shoot I would fill her cup with chocolate chip cookies and french fries if I could get her to eat it!  All the things I NEVER imagined giving my child - welp, out of desperation to get some meat on those bones and calories into her - it's what we've got to do.  Our OT suggested trying Cheese Whiz...okay I won't go that far, not going to give her something I won't even put in my mouth! Where is this OT from you might ask... Stanford... riiiiight, okay I'll let you think what you want about that one ;). 

Okay, that's all for now.  Just wanted to share with you some of our tricks with food utensils and additives... which may or may not work, given the day, her mood, the color of the sky, you know...



  1. You're a good mom! Trying it all til you find the answer. She's a cutie pie.
