Over the past few weeks our church has been speaking about contending for the miraculous. We don't often put ourselves in the category of needing a miracle, as we often think miracles are only asked for when something is extremely wrong. You know, like someone is deathly ill, or got in a bad accident...Am I making sense? Maybe it's our human pride, or maybe we just never looked at Abby's eating this way, but in the past few days God has definitely been tugging on my heart and on Matt's heart to contend for a miracle for Abby.
We are so grateful that just a year ago the doctors were getting ready to put her on a feeding tube, and by God's hand, he provided therapy for Abby to be able to avoid it. Abby is on the charts, Abby is gaining weight, Abby is a happy girl, Abby loves to laugh and play, and Abby is growing developmentally - for this we are grateful! Our struggle has continued to be on getting her to eat foods other than pureed fruits and yogurt, to be able to chew, to be able to self-feed, and to be able to drink anything other than water on her own. In the big picture of things, this may all sound like just some normal toddler struggles, and I get that it could be WAY worse, but it doesn't take away our reality of stressful, overwhelming days of therapy - therapy is every single day - because when the therapists leave, we have to take over and keep up with daily exercises and treatments.
In addition to therapy through the Clinic, Abby is now also being evaluated by an Occupational Therapist for sensory issues and what they think may be weak muscles in her mouth - which means we may be adding more days of outside therapy to our weekly schedule. All of these recent findings, along with some other stuff, have really added to our stress levels and the longing, and hope of Abby to just be completely healed of her feeding disorder and issues.
Our eyes have been so focused on the problem that we have failed to set our eyes completely on God and trust Him to be the solution. Sure we pray daily for Abby to progress and to enjoy eating, but I feel like it has just become a routine prayer not an all out cry out to God for her healing - and this is what we are doing now, and what we ask our brothers and sisters in Christ to join us in prayer for. Contending for a supernatural healing for Abby. With God all things are possible, and I know that sometimes struggle is a part of the journey, but we cannot be afraid or timid in making our requests known to God.
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing is impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by PRAYER and PETITION, WITH THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7

This blog is for all the moms out there who struggle to get their baby/child to eat. I hope one day this blog will be helpful to someone else who struggles like we do! PLEASE NOTE that Abby has no medical issues (other than reflux and delayed gastric emptying), she is diagnosed with having a feeding disorder. The tips and techniques that work for us may not work for all children (nor is she the same as a picky eater), please seek a professionals help to determine how to treat your child.